Key-Bak® RATCH-IT Keychain

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The Ratch-It Locking Carabiner Keychain conveniently locks the reel in 5” intervals, making this a popular reel to secure machinery keys or small tools. Built in the USA with globally sourced materials, the Ratch-It has a strong molded black polycarbonate case and a retractable cord made with DuPont Kevlar® fiber. Attach your keys or small tools to the split ring and secure the carabiner to your belt clip, work belt or backpack. When you need your keys just pull them out and the reel will automatically lock. When you're done, give the reel a small tug and let it go, the built-in tether retracts back into place until you need your keys again again. When you need use your keys a lot and don't want tension on them while you're using them, then the Ratch-It is a great option for you.

Features and Benefits

  • Lasts up to 10x longer and protected by a 1-Year warranty 
  • Made in the USA with globally sourced materials.  
  • KEY-BAK ECO-REELS produce 90% less waste than disposable reels, keychains, and tethers 
  • Heavy Duty aramid fiber cord with an 80 lb. minimum breaking strength
  • Built-in ratchet locking mechanism that locks in 5" intervals
  • Stainless Steel Spring in a 2" diameter durable polycarbonate housing
  • Zinc alloy carabiner conveniently clips onto belt loops, bags or purses
  • Backed by a Lifetime Service Policy 

Retraction Forces Available

  • Heavy Duty retraction force holds up to 8 oz. and has a 48" reach
  • Super Duty retraction force holds up to 13 oz. and has a 36" reach